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Healed of Hypoglycemia

Healed of Hypoglycemia

This is David Handyside, the Zimbabwean from Life Community Church. I wanted to praise the Lord for the healing I received last Sunday when you were praying for healing. I have had hypoglycemia for about 8 years and had severe reaction to eating anything with a large amount of sugar or of carbohydrate foods that broke down into sugars to quickly. I would lose my sight, have severe head aches, lose the feeling in my hands, feel as if I was in a tunnel and struggle to speak clearly. As you walked into the service for no apparent reason (as I had eaten carefully that night and morning) I started to have several of these symptoms and had to get something to eat to try and balance my blood sugar. This usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour and then some of the symptoms take longer to go. As you played the video on Ethiopia all the symptoms except my headache went. I know I would not have stood for prayer if I had not had a reaction! When you asked for those who wanted prayer I stood up. I was also praying for my mother's healing (she's in Zim) but then I committed my sickness to God and I really felt His warmth surround me. At the end of your prayer you said to go and do in faith what you couldn't do before. It terrified me! The whole day I wrestled with that and eventually I told my wife (who had also been praying and believing for me) and we prayed and that night we went to friend and I ate cake and icecream for the first time in many years. No reaction. The next morning I had honey on my toast, then a huge slice of cheese cake, pop, cookies, milkshake - not even a headache. I am eating the good stuff! I know I am healed and I wanted to praise the Lord Jesus for his healing and also to ask Him to bless you for you obedience. It has allowed me to speak to people about the Lord that I couldn't easily have done so before. Praise God!

God bless you my friend,

The dead shall rise !!! .....

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